
Knitting and trying some new P-editing formulas.

So...Yeah, a few people know that I had to rip back my knitting to almost the beginning - I've decided to divise my own pattern from hereon, it goes as follows:
CO 80 sts, work in k1 p1 for 20 rnds - change colour every 10, 15, or 20 rnds.
Work in sst for 90 rnds(this should end abt the knee.) - on every tenth row, decrese by ktog at the sides of the stocking, with the join in the back. (You should have 20 st before, and after the join. Use any join you prefer, I simply knot then with tight square knots, then weave the ends in.)
Working the calf: k 5 rnds, dec, k5 rnds, dec. ECT. until you have half of the cast on sts left. Work 30 rnds in sst, then begin short-row shaping for the heel, using double thick(doubled yarn) for the soles to prevent wear and aid in cushioning.

This is the pictures of the current project. I need a ST n' B to get the chutzpa going T_T.

And now to the Photo editing.
On this I tried to fix the blown highlights on his skin - obviously I didn't get to his arm - there are a few other things I did - removed under eye bags, lightened some little mean things :P.

Off the bat I can remember two things I did - I got rid of his angry vein, and darkened the eyebrows. The latter wasn't intentional, but it happened.

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